Monday, May 3, 2010

Job vs The Holocaust

Moving on from Exodus we get to the story of Job, an honest, trustworthy, hard working man. Job had everything and he was very faithfull to God. This book is the one where Satan is first mentioned. Satan convinces God that Job only worships him because he has all these luxuries. God lets himself be manipulated by Satan (his son?) and decides to take away everything Job has. Job keeps worshiping God and Satan gets aggravated. God gets manipulated into letting Satan torture Job. Now what is interesting about all of this is that Job an innocent man who is being tortured for no reason and still has faith in God. When this happens to him he strips naked and shaves his head, as a sacrifice to show he is still worshiping God. His friends also turn their backs to him. This to me seems like a preview to the holocaust. Millions of innocent people who got everything taken away, even their closest friends due to religious intolerance turned their backs on them. The Jews were forced to shave their heads and go naked in the freezing temperatures for hours. Now you will rarely find a Jewish person with no money. As God gave Job back twice as much as he had before once he saw that Job is truly faith full to him. The similarities and parallels are fascinating to me. I wonder if there are anymore “previews” I will make connections with.
Through all the torture Job always stayed strong and I believe this quote is to be lived by, “Though he slay me, yet will I trust in him: but I will maintain mine own ways before him.” Job, 13. 15.

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