Reading on to the second book of Samuel we begin to note David’s morality. I really liked this book more than the other one. I’m confused though, I can’t really tell how they want us to view David, it seems they show him off sometimes in a negative way and other times they put him on a pedestal. David commits adultery (clearly against the Ten Commandments) but God seems to forgive him. Basically this story is to get us to have a point of view on our morals. I really liked it because it shows a true human being making mistakes. This wasn’t the usual man that is all full of joy and obedience and does everything right no matter what. David is a true human being who makes mistakes.
It also shows how David is also willing to forgive. He ends up finally forgiving Absalom for killing his other son Amnion. This to me would be extremely difficult to forgive. So I believe David is nor good nor bad but a human being who knows good and evil from the tree of knowledge. David also becomes king in this book, and I have to say I think he is a good ruler to his people because his expectations of them are fair. If we had a goody two shoes ruler he would expect everything to be peace and unification and everyone to be good, and lets be real that won’t ever happen.
I love how free and human they paint David out to be, “And David danced before the Lord with all his might.” 2 Samuel, 6:14. This quote reminds me of dancing in the rain, free and careless and plain full of joy.

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