We have theories, ideas, and faith to how our world began. Some say it started with a bang others say a wand was waved. In my journey through the first published book ever, it begins with its interpretation of the beginning of the world. It begins with god saying, and as he says it is done. The first day come heaven and earth the second seas, land, grass, plants, and trees. On the third day came the moon, sun, and stars. On the fourth the fish and birds, and fifth come land and animals. Lastly, on the fifth day came man. Then came a whole new story of Adam and Eve, two parts written by different people. It is fascinating to me this part of the story, “And the rib, which the Lord God had taken from man, made he a woman, because she was taken out of man” Ch.2 T.22. This may seem to a lot of women as an insult, they may think it is trying to express the man has more power than the woman, but that isn’t true. You have to look at this literally. The rib represents “side by side”, in other words it is trying to say that Lord God made an equal out of man. This to me was very interesting, it makes me pay more attention to the literal meaning of the text. There was however something that confused me and that was the small letters and numbers at the bottom of every text. I don’t know what they mean.
The next part I read was completely on Adam and Eve. I found a good metaphor or interpretation for this part, “For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil” Ch.3 T.5. Here they are talking about the tree of life and how you will lose your innocence if you eat from it. This reminded me so much of Pandora’s Box. It is the same thing only told in different beliefs. As the story goes on we get to a part that isn’t told in Veggie Tails. It begins with two different stories of the sons of Adam and Eve. The best version I made a chart out of. This is of the sons following the father.
Son Followed by Son | Lived Until (years) | Begotten |
Adam | 930 | 800 |
Seth | 912 | 105 |
Enos | 905 | 90 |
Cainan | 910 | 70 |
Mahalaleel | 895 | 65 |
Jared | 962 | 62 |
Enoch | 365 | 65 |
Methuselan | 969 | 187 |
Lamech | 777 | 782 |
Noah | 950 | 500 |
They also had in this the story of Cain and Able. Cain kills Able, and from then on any one who slew another would have consequences. Now days the consequence if prison or life sentence. Another thing that came to mind was the quote always said at mass, “Begotten not made” does this mean be conceived and not made my God like Adam and Eve?
So the next part to my reading was the story of Noah. Noah dies in the end of chapter ten, not Veggie Tail material. It seemed so different and pleasant in Veggie Tails. In the kids story books they don’t tell you why there was a flood in the first place. The human race was very much out of control and that’s where it all began. God wanted to wipe out the human race and only leave the good part of the human race and animals to reproduce. After the destruction God promised never again to wipe out the human race. I guess this means no 2012, sorry to burst your bubble. Between the stories in the bible the facts vary since each chapter was written by a different person. So far I am really enjoying the readings and appreciating them. I thought I would have a different experience reading this.

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