Man has conquered the world since the beginning of time. Man was made to conquer. Man was built with ambition, and the sense to stomp on anything in its way. These tablets are the perfect example although it is hidden.
The cedar forest is the wilderness for man to conquer. Enkidu and Gilgamesh are a representation of man going and conquering an unknown land. I related this to guns, germs, and steel with different objects representing each. The gate at the end is the division between man and nature where civilization ends and nature begins. This was a very interesting reading in which you really had to think to get to the true meaning. Like I said before these are the reading I most enjoy; the readings that make me think. There was also an obstacle which was Huwawa. This obstacle in the times of guns germs and steel may have been the Indians. With these kinds of books or epics you really have to reflect in order to understand the message. There is a message n everything. The readings remind of the bible or other books of wisdom from the time. They are essentially teachings in stories. In Spanish these are called “fabulas” in Spanish. I think this book has a lot of these. This was a very interesting reading though since I could relate it to my global studies class and the conquering of the worlds. I am going to keep reading the epic to be able to reflect more next time.
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